Imagine a world where all children go to school, families have access to clean water and the faithful can gather to pray in a safe space led by a pastor educated to serve their needs.
Now is the time to invest in change and give your support. Millions of families around the world are struggling. Poverty, injustice, limited access to basic needs like water and an education are a reality for so many. People of faith long for a place to pray, meet with their community, praise Jesus and live without fear. In many places in the world this is becoming more difficult.
Hope Global is committed to a holistic approach to solving problems and building support systems that create opportunity. We serve entire communities, families and churches across Asia and Africa.
Your tax-deductible gift will go to work immediately, keeping a child in school, training a pastor, building a church, digging a borewell and more.
We all do better when everyone has what they need to thrive!